Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
题 目:Computation based Biophotonics and Drug Discovery
时 间:2014-5-13(星期二) 10:00~12:00
地 点:武汉大学新普京澳门娱乐场app网站学术报告厅(新9教三楼)
主讲人简介:Dr. Peng Fei received his B.S. from the Wuhan University in 2004 and his M.S. from the Peking University in 2008. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Peking University in 2012 and then joined the Prof. Chih-Ming Ho Group as a PostDoc. He is currently interested in research in functional optofludic chip design and fabrication, novel super resolution microscopy, computation based biology and cancer drug discovery. He published 13 journal papers, which have been cited 755 times. His H-index is 11 and his research had been highlighted by several news report, such as Nature Photonics, MIT technique review, FOX news, etc. He is an invited reviewer for a number of journals, such as Plos One,Biomaterials and Sensors & Actuators.