Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
邀请人:万亮 特聘副研究员
In the past decades, the in situ TEM quantitative nanomechanical tests has led to new insights into the deformation mechanism of materials at the submicron scale, by providing direct correlation between stress-strain curve and evolution process of dislocation activity, grain boundary migration/sliding/rotation, deformation twinning etc. However, most of the previous tests were performed under high vacuum and room temperature, thus unable to tackle thermomechanical and chemomechanical problems relevant to field of the metal hot-working, corrosion etc. In this talk, latest technological advancement in in situ TEM nanomechanical tests towards high temperature and gaseous environment in our group will be introduced. A few published and on-going research works, including hydrogen-dislocation interaction in Al, hydrogen-induced blistering/cavitation at room/elevated temperature, construction of deformation mechanism maps for submicron metals, will be showed as examples to demonstrate the capability of these techniques.
Xie, DG. Shan, ZW. et al., Nature Materials, 2015, 14 (9), 899-903.
Xie DG., Shan ZW. et al., Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 13341
解德刚 (副教授)
Degang Xie is associate professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University, and the deputy director of XJTU-Hitachi High-Tech Research & Development Center. He received his Bachelor (2010) and doctoral degree (2016) in material science from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. From 2011 to 2012, he had one year research experience in Ju Li’s group in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. He is experienced with the in situ transmission electron microscopy, especially in quantitative nanomechanical characterization. His research interests focus on probing the structure-property relationship of materials under extreme conditions such as in hydrogen-rich environment, oxidative environment, high temperature etc.